Begin the Journey Now!
During this time of social distancing, I have found that new habits have been forming which has enlightened me to trying to break others. Older studies stated it generally takes about 21 days to establish or break a habit based on a surgeons’ observations on how long it took for a patient to grow accustomed to their new face. More recent studies state it is more along the lines of between 18-254 days. Hope being, it can take less than 21 days, discouragement: up to 254 days BUT there is always…Today to start!
Have you acknowledged any unhealthy habits in your life? Behaviors? Do you find that you drink a bit too much (even more tempting as you sit home all day, isolated)? Do you feel you eat too much (even more so as you sit home and binge watch EVERYTHING!)? Or do you find that you swear a bit more than you would like to stand (because the kids are at home all day and driving you up the wall)?...Well, here is the time of test. You have been placed in a situation where you can change those habits. The time to focus inward and encourage/embrace change! (Apparently our zodiac signs have changed, why not our personalities).
Been wanting to start painting (you bought all those unused supplies stored in your closet, collecting dust)? Been wanting to be more healthy and fit (it was your new year’s resolution and you just recently fell off)? Been wanting to pray and read your bible more (you keep your bible out on your nightstand with every intent on reading it, but you will start “Tomorrow. Tonight, I rest.”)? Here is your chance! In most cases, there isn’t really anyone stopping you but you. With all the access to tutorials/work outs available online, there is no excuse. Courtesy of this mentality being ingrained in me through my wonderful cousin, I decided to build a habit of doing yoga, daily. Goal: by the time we all resume normalcy, this will be my normal.
There was a theme of 2020 being the year of vision, well here is the time granted to us to invest in our visions, our dreams! It was during quarantine, when I was able to publish my blog after months of preparation! A huge part of success, is the intentional hustle, making steps towards our goal on purpose but an even bigger downfall is our busy lives and the feeling of no time allotted. Here is our chance! The time has been granted. Take advantage, begin the journey now so you can reap the fruit of a better and more improved you! The you, you’ve always envisioned.
Take Heart and Remain Encouraged!
Need some help getting started with weight loss?!
For hints and tips for a healthier lifestyle (workouts and recipes), check out my cousin’s website! Courtesy of her practical advice and encouragement, I have lost 17 pounds in two months! Click the link below to learn more!