Joy Unspeakable
A will to praise during hard times does not come easily. Our feelings are strong yet misleading. Our feelings are responses of our flesh but the Spirit of God is that which leads us to deliverance and healing. Our will is our ability to choose which one of these we are going to follow. Through our will, we are able to submit our mind and feelings under the sovereignty of the Lord. Though scripture says the flesh is weak to submission, it is strong enough to put up a fight and it will. This is why, during times where we are in a battle, struggling, battling depression, confusion, discouragement and hopelessness, our flesh wants to do anything but praise. “Praise for what?! There isn’t anything good to praise God for!” says the flesh. If pride comes before the fall then praise come before the victory.
Multiple times the Israelites were facing disaster, wars and armies but they worshipped resulting in their victory. In Joshua, God told them walk once a day around the promised land, quietly, for six days and on the seventh day, to do so seven times and then “blow their ram’s horns” and give a “great shout”. They obeyed and the walls fell. The promise was theirs. In 2 Chronicles, Jehoshaphat was scared as a multitude of armies that outnumbered his were making their way to them. God told them to “Position themselves and stand still…” As Jehoshaphat and his people saw the armies coming, they begun to “sing and praise” and the Lord fought the fight for them. They were delivered. The plunder was theirs. During times where feelings of hopelessness, despair and overwhelming fear could’ve have consumed them, their minds rationally telling them, “This is pointless. We stand no chance” they willed themselves to praise God, and why, because their faith, joy and deliverance was in the Lord alone. Who is sovereign over our Lord? No one. I assure you, that each of their enemy believed in the power of their own will but whose will precede that of our God’s? No one’s. This was their reason for rejoicing. In what situation does the Lord never have the upper hand? None. There is no hand but His! So, let us will ourselves to praise Him.
When our flesh says, “No”, praise Him anyway. Turn on worship and sing. Even if you don’t feel like it, do it and allow the Holy Spirit to sweep you up in the merciful arms of our King. This joy is unspeakable because it is irrational. There are no words to explain to someone who doesn’t understand this kind of joy that results in praise. “Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:31). I encourage you to remember all those armies, warriors and civilians who came before us and praised God in the midst of their turmoil, feelings of defeat yet were delivered.
“Let us hold firmly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for HE who has promised is faithful.” -Hebrews 10:23
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.” -Psalm 100:1