King Jesus

During my bible study, beginning 2 Kings, I learned that the Davidic covenant started a trend that we have been blessed to be covered by even today. According to scholars, the Davidic covenant was the beginning of the king serving as the moral representative of the people. Therefore, whatever the morale of the king, so were the representation of the people he governed. Although David has been coined as “the man after God’s own heart”, this was not the case in many generations of kings and people after him, which resulted in much destruction on God’s people. The building of God’s wrath stemming from a people whose heart was constantly turned from them as they reflected their king who led poorly. However, from David’s lineage came the promised King who would be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and whose dominion will be vast (Isaiah 9: 6-7). This realization shook my spirit with so my joy! We now have a King whose moral representation covers us. Our King who is perfect, without sin, sits at the right hand of God, and advocates for us when we fall short. A King who died for us so that His perfect representation will emasculate the abundant of our great sin, leaving only the sight of Him when our Holy Father looks upon us in time of judgement. A King who, unlike His predecessors, needed no prophet because He was there with God in the beginning as Word. How blessed we are to be under the reign of such a King. How merciful a God to bestow upon generations and generations the opportunity of grace to be reigned by His Son, King Jesus, not because we deserve such a treasure, but because of His goodness and love towards us. Let us Remain Encouraged for the future of our sanctification and salvation, that we are covered by the most Perfect Moral Representative whom is King Jesus.