Sun and Moon

One day as I was journaling (primarily about the sun), I had a bit of an epiphany. Prior to journaling about the sun, I prayed to God asking for His answer on my design/purpose. I was asking Him about the “whys” and “hows” of what He has allowed and ordained, one thing in particular, my interest with the sun, moon, stars, and trees. The earth and galaxies have always been so beautiful and fascinating to me! There are so many wonders about them, they each hold so many mysteries that truly only God Himself holds the answers to and without trying to subconsciously deviate towards Pagan worship, the Holy Spirit always reminds me of their Creator which leads me to feeling wooed and romanticized by God all over again.

To think, He created these beautiful phenomena for His glory but we get to admire them and partake in their beauty as well!

Well, as I was journaling about the beauty of the sun, I “stumbled” across my inner confession of still being more drawn to the moon. (The Moon always sucks me in. I have actually almost stopped in the middle of the street driving or gotten into wrecks marveling at the beauty of the moon.) Then I realized that the beauty of the moon is contributed by the glory and light of the sun. Then I realized that I had a lot to give thanks to the sun for, giving the moon its glow, the trees their life. The sun is an indescribable source of energy and life! Then love and romance fell on my heart… how similar is this bright and massive creation is to its Creator. God, the source of energy and life, the Sun He is to us Moons. Us Moons, whose beauty and glory are only as bright as the light that He gives to us to reflect back unto the world in times of its darkness, and even our own.

In the end, God gave me my answer. My fascination with the moon, sun, stars and galaxies and earth, could very well just be my own inner man being constantly reminded of where my beauty comes from and how it works in relation to my Creator. Not only are they part of my design that God so intricately woven into my being, He made it part of my love language with Him. And I believe this for you all as well. I believe you too are all designed intricately with your own love language with Our Father in Heaven. I believe we are all Moons meant to reflect the glory and beauty of the Sun [Son]. God is so romantic in how He orchestrates our lives and I encourage you all to find your love language with Him and use that as your means of worship, prayer, praise, love and relationship.

Be Love! Remain Encouraged!