The Wilderness

Oh, the wilderness, so many times has it appeared in scripture as a means for purifying, strengthening, and building one’s faith, but we are never meant to remain there, much less die there. We are always meant to be brought out of the wilderness because it is just a transitional destination to our Promised Land, located between glory and glory.

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There are times when we pray for God’s will and for him to reveal His purpose and calling of our lives. When we ask, I believe He is faithful to answer however this does not mean we will be receptive of His response. We do not have to accept His response, but we will be only hindering ourselves from the greatness the Lord has declared over our lives. There is the greatness He has for us and then there is the greatness we have planned for ourselves. God reserves us the right to choose which we pursue.

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Begin the Journey Now!

There was a theme of 2020 being the year of vision, well here is the time granted to us to invest in our visions, our dreams! It was during quarantine, when I was able to publish my blog after months of preparation! A huge part of success, is the intentional hustle, making steps towards our goal on purpose but an even bigger downfall is our busy lives and the feeling of no time allotted. Here is our chance!

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