Allow Yourself to be Inspired

In a world of being “self-made”, we can get caught up in a pattern of reminding ourselves “it has to come from within, my strength comes from within.” Though there is much truth to this statement, the journey and unread lines in between can get lost and lead to burnout. 

As a Case Manager of 5 years, I am no stranger to burnout. Self-Care is essential to my profession; an 8-hour never-ending string of phone calls filled with tears, complaints, paranoia hallucinations, empty reasons, anger, requests and yelling, not including the face-to-face interactions, I must schedule my self-care. Then when that scheduled time comes, where is my motivation? Where is my energy? After pouring into so many others, what do I have to give for myself? 

The beauty of inspiration is it is omnipresent. Inspiration is everywhere, as long as we have the eyes to see it. Inspiration can come from people, experiences, things we witness, things we read…some many avenues to go down and find that one jewel in a treasure chest that is worth much more than all the others. This inspiration, since it is omnipresent, never runs dry, not the inspiration in and of itself. Even if you are inspired by an individual, the inspiration is infinite, even if the individual is not. Inspiration is always prepared to pour into you: motivation, energy, more dreams, and the ability to accomplish goals. 

I find inspiration in many friends and family for numerous reasons. I make it my diligence to let them know that they are making an impact not just for themselves, but for others, because it has for me. We live our days, in and out, for some routinely, for others more spontaneous. But at some point, we ask ourselves, “Who have I impacted? Have I made a difference?” We do not always see the fruit of others after their season of prep, and we do not always hear “Thank you for what you have done.” So in this manner, being true to you, and sustaining that strength from within, is significant for your holistic well-being. Water your own spiritual garden so that you are confident in the knowledge of being true to you without expectancy.

My ultimate inspiration is God, Yahweh Himself. No one can inspire and motivate me like He does. He does this directly and indirectly (like through friends and family). He always knows what I need strength and energy for. He is not only my Dreamcatcher but my Dreamgiver. The inspiration He offers never runs dry, but nevertheless, I still must choose to see it. Once I do, my heart naturally floods with gratitude for not only the person or thing that inspired me, but for Him as well, giving me a will that permits me to see it. For me, there are no restrictions on inspiration and the Lord knows that about me. 

I encourage you, to not be held back in being “self-made,” but allow yourself to be inspired by the drive and goodness of others. Allow yourself to receive love in all its creative disguises. As we continue to see the reaping of inspiration from others in the spotlight, such as VP Kamala Harris, allow yourself to pull from that explosive positive energy that she has released in the pursuit of your own dreams and be a silent inspiration to others. 

Remain Encouraged!