Be Still: In The Gap
There are times when we are instructed to “be still”. There is much going on around us but we are told by God to “not do anything outwardly, but rather turn towards Me, inwardly”. As things continue to go beyond our control and our anxieties increase, the more we feel our instinctive nature to pounce! Do something! Our foggy brains want to be in the know so it can prepare for the unknown. Our wearied hearts want some knowledge so it can calm down, and know what to expect, and how to respond. However, we are not always granted this privilege in knowing when we want to know it. We have to just sit back and “be still” in the gap of not knowing, but how do we accomplish this without losing our minds and gaining 15 pounds? There are multiple answers, but the one I will focus on today…Worship.
I recall a specific moment where The Lord was leading me to make, what I would call, some drastic changes in my day-to-day life, most of which fed my ego. On the surface of my heart, I felt hurt and depleted. “How exactly will this help me grow and get my desires?” The Lord answered, “Trust Me.” I tested Him, “Lord, if this is truly you, bring to me all of whom you want me to cut off, and I will be obedient and do so truthfully.” Sure enough, within 4 days, 7 individuals (most of whom I did not speak with on a monthly much less daily basis) were brought to me, and in a spirit of confidence, I obeyed. “Now what?” He replied, “Follow Me.”
I knew that these acts were tests of obedience and faithfulness, not only to God, but also practice for myself (and also in regards to a promising male friend of mine who I was highly interested in.) Weeks passed and still no sign of interest from the guy. “Lord, was this all a mistake?” “Even if it isn’t this guy, you will need this lesson for the one.” I trusted Him and asked, “What do I do in the meantime?” “You worship.” “How do I worship?” “I gave you all you need to do so. I have set a desire within your heart on how to express your love and devotion, use that to give back to Me.” The answer: writing. So I wrote.
I wrote in my journal and wrote more entries during that time than any other time. The liberation I experienced of being able to write without restriction, free flowing of my feelings, praises and gratitude, and struggles; it was amazing and I made sure to bring it all back to the Lord, the One who gave me such a beautiful and creative outlet of worship. Naturally, I found myself in a state of joy, peace and gratitude and before I knew it, my prayer was answered.
The Lord provided me an answered prayer as I followed His promptings. Even now, five months later, I look back and marvel at the reality of how God has been faithful as I strive to be obedient to Him. He gave me instructions, I went through trials and went through pangs, but remained obedient. With my God-given means of worship being my outlet, and I was able to see the Lord provide His promise to me. Even three months later, with new trials and new pangs, I fight to remain obedient because I remember His faithfulness to fulfill His promises.
Therefore, if you are in a season that is demanding you to “be still” and you don’t know what to do in the gap of waiting, I encourage you, I urge you… worship. I believe God has given us all a very specific way to worship Him that is coded in our spiritual DNA when He designed us, and this is how we endure those times that we feel are out of our control. Worship can be a physical expression like exercising, oral like poetry, and/or art like painting…worship is about expression of gratitude and our Lord has gifted us with a variety of ways to do so that will honor Him. It does not mean we aren’t allowed to feel anguish and sorrow, but rather notice, accept, examine and observe those feelings with our means of worship to bring those feelings back to Jesus so that He can, in exchange, give us peace, humility and a heart of gratitude. If you do not know what your love language of worship is to The Lord, pray and meditate on it. Ask Him to reveal it to you and He will because He loves to hear from us: our cares, worries and praises. He is faithful to answer as He is faithful to provide. Though we were not made to live in the gap, He has given us all a way to get through it because we were designed to survive through it.