
I know it has been weeks since I have made a post of encouragement but all for wonderful cause. The Lord is our dreamcatcher. The Lord has caught some of my dreams and breathed life into them. The glory in their unfolding is beyond supernatural that I can only point to Him for their existence.

Have you ever had a vision of something, maybe about a career, a spouse, a business, your future, that seems so out of reach from where you are at the moment but it seemed so tangible that ironically it sees impossible that it won’t happen? However, it also seems so perfect because it brings so much peace and calmness to your spirit and heart, that you almost feel unworthy of it therefore “it can’t happen”?  I have had dreams, I have had wishful thinking, but there are certain visions that I cannot shake. The Lord revealed to me that these are visions that He has given me because they are of His will and are meant to come to pass, but in His time. The beauty of His timing is that it always: Suddenly.

I was speaking with a dear friend of mine recently and she was disclosing how she has been finding herself in a place of waiting: waiting on a man to do right by her, waiting on her job to give her the credit and pay due to her, and both are in response to her investing years of her blood, sweat and many tears. I encouraged her that the only one she should be waiting on is The Lord. Before I knew it, these words came pouring from my mouth and I knew it was the Holy Spirit speaking through me for both me and her: “When we wait on man, we will be forever waiting. We will have to wait and wait for them to get to a point of their fulfillment and even still that will require more work on our waiting because their fulfillment may even come in drips. But when we wait on the Lord, though it may not mean the wait will be shorter, when He fulfills His promise, it is suddenly and done. He gives it all to us, suddenly. No more waiting.”

In Acts 16:25-34, Paul was in prison praising the Lord at midnight, and then “suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were open, and everyone’s chains came loose.”  As he was waiting on the Lord, there was a sudden freedom for him. If he had to wait on man, someone had to go find the keys and then there would be all these papers to sign with hopes of everyone signing in the right places…but with the Lord it was as simple as “BAM! You’re free! Go!” No middle-man needed.

In Matthew 8:1-3, a man with a serious skin disease (could’ve been a leper), went up to Jesus and cried “Lord if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus reached out His hand, touched the leper and “Immediately, his disease was healed.” There was no consultation and series of appointments/follow-ups. No treatments but an immediate healing. “Immediately” the man was healed.

Lastly but not least, in Mark 5:25-34, a woman who had been bleeding nonstop for 12 years, had visited almost every doctor she could think of, and probably have given up on waiting on man, sought Jesus out for the healing. Her faith was “If I could just touch His robes, I will be made well”. (Imagine the amount of faith she carried where she knew even his clothing could heal her). The result? “Instantly, her bleeding ceased.” For 12 years, she sought out man and waited on man to be the cure for her [MESSAGE!]. Disappointment after appointment, disappointment after appointment, for 12 years. Heart weighed with discouragement, confusion, and hopelessness; always trying to find a reason to stay motivated and hopeful. Then with one touch of Jesus’s cloak, “instantly” she was delivered.

A month ago, I was living at my parent’s house with a job that I had a challenging time adjusting to. The Lord told me on more than one occasion, “You will not be at this job for long,” and I knew that He was teaching me how to be content with where He has brought me. I prayed fervently for a new outlook on this job so that I may please Him. Sure enough, He gave me a renewed spirit with overflowing energy and innovation, in which case I utilized through my work. This effort was being seen and acknowledged, leading me to, surprisingly, be voted “Employee of the Month”. In keeping with The Lord’s business (remaining obedient to Him), suddenly…I was offered a job at another agency that I preferred to be at, with a pay that went beyond my expectations. Confirmation: earlier that day, my devo was “Say ‘Yes’”. Four days later, suddenly, the Lord guided me to an apartment app, He told me the which one to click, the very first one is the one I am currently sitting in, as my own. Confirmation: two nights prior, I had a dream about being in my apartment and one of the rooms was blue; the kitchen in this apartment was already painted blue. Within one week, suddenly, The Lord had presented me a new job and a new apartment. For years I sought these, relying on man (myself) to find them both, and within one week, after months of learning how to “be still” as the Lord commanded, He gave me both and the only effort I put in, was saying “Yes.”

In Luke 1:26-38; an angel came to a poor Nazarene girl and told her she would give birth to the Son of God. She asked how this would be so since she was a virgin, the angel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive. This young girl said, “Yes,” and through her obedience, we were given, Immanuel, Jesus. The Holy Spirit did all the work, all she had to do was say “Yes.”

The Lord is amazing in His forgiveness, grace, and display of love. After the year I have had of disobeying Him, struggling in my walk, never would I have imagined Him blessing me this much for my repentance. I was so sure that I had much more punishment coming my way, but His grace abounded that. Now, in a year where there is so much uncertainty of employment, social distancing, wavering hope, The Lord abounded in His sovereignty, showing me that He is not limited and reduced to our carnal means of survival and success, He can thrust forward anyone He wants whenever He wants no matter what is going on in this world. Last year, was my “coronavirus”, I was sick with my sin, could not breathe because of my guilt, and paralyzed by my disobedience but now, suddenly, I am freed. I am sitting here, in my chair, by my window, writing this post, with my bible + journal, a cup of coffee, listening to John Mayer on my record player in my apartment. A vision much better than I could have ever imagined. Bringing me to tears every time I think about it because it is all a gift from God. He brought this all to pass for me without me putting in any effort except for saying “Yes.”

Take heart in knowing that waiting on the Lord will lead to a sudden deliverance. Remain Encouraged in knowing that waiting on the Lord, will lead to immediate healing and freedom. No matter what it is you are waiting for: a new job, a new home, a spouse, a big break. If The Lord has willed it, if He has given you an unshakable vision of it, Be Still and wait on Him. Do not wait on man, do not wait on anyone but the Lord.

“I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait for the Lord.” Psalms 27:13-14