Reading Luke 24 and John 21 was a beautiful reminder that we serve a God who knows us intimately. In both chapters, Jesus reveals to His disciples who He is after His resurrection. Although the disciples did not recognize him initially, Jesus did and said things that sparked an "AHA" moment in their hearts. For two disciples in Luke as they were traveling to Emmaus, He reenacted scenes from the Last Supper (taking the bread, blessing, and breaking it). Instantly, the disciples were able to identify Him as Jesus and then He vanished.

In John, Simon Peter decided to go fishing (others accompanied him) but they were not able to catch any fish. Jesus came and once again, yet they did not recognize him. But so merciful He is, Jesus reenacted His first encounter with Peter. He told Peter where to drop his net, Peter obeyed and miraculously caught an abundance. This was done before when Peter first followed Christ (Luke 5:1-11). Through an event of familiarity, Peter was then able to recognize Jesus. How often do we find ourselves feeling hopeless and far from God, then He shines light on a situation or memory, which helps us to remember His goodness and recognize Him in our present.

This reminded me that no matter how far we may feel from Christ, no matter how many sins we have committed (Peter denied Christ three times and was still given redemption), there is always time to remember Jesus and follow Him. He is our shepherd and as His sheep, He will not allow for us to go too far without Him seeking us out and bringing us home. He knows us individually and deeply; He knows our trigger points and our soft spots. It is so amazing how we serve a God who will use them both to draw us closer to Him, but we are to not be like mules and resist but like sheep and follow. Amazing He is! How unbelievably loving He is! You are not too far from GOD, your "Aha" moment is right around the corner and I pray you follow Him.