
“Kintsugi: the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum”

Being in fear of pursuing one’s dreams can be lagging. Lagging in strength, motivation, security but what I have found to be more distressing is the lagging in one’s peace, joy, and hope. These broken elements of us that was conceived through a drop of one’s self, character in the past, leading to us feeling unworthy of great and blessed things. In an unforgiving, cancel culture society where everything we ever typed is stored in the internet’s memory and can be manifested years later to knock us down, and hurt people run quick to record your demise on their phone. But there is beauty in the brokenness, hope for restoration and guile in the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Reflecting on the time I have spent in this season has been as if I was watching the season pass through a window from inside my home. Not making use of this time but allowing the fear of the harsh conditions and memories of seasons past keep me paralyzed from prosperity. I think “Can these dead bones live? Is there hope for inspiration that waters this creativity I sense that has been planted within me?” Truly I have acknowledged this seed of creativity God has sowed within me and I can feel it pressing up against the surface, ready to sprout but these rocks of fear and insecurity I have secured on top. And then I hear the wind of His whisper… “kintsugi”.

My broken pieces are what He has wanted all along to build something beautiful. These unpieced elements that I processed as the reason I shouldn’t, I hear from God as the reason I have been called and chosen. These gaps I see within my story that I interpreted as determining factors for disqualification, incompletion, inadequacy is truly room for gold. God using Himself as the gold to fill every gap, illuminate light to the beautiful pieces that remain and solidify beauty in brokenness. Painful memories do not break evenly, it tears at random through our minds, bodies, heart and soul. Manifesting unevenly through our decision-making, emotions, speech and behaviors but God can seep through every crevice and fill it with His touch, gold.

With every centimeter of thought that seeks to formulate within you that tells you are not worthy, fill that gap with gold. With every inch of tranquilizing fear shot at your heart, fill that gap with gold. Remember, you are art, shimmering with strength, hope, purpose and fulfillment. You are kintsugi.