Unbounded: The Bursting of Creative Expression, Writing

As an adult, I would put limits on myself, most specifically, my writings. I remember as a child, I would just write. I didn’t care about margins, keeping people’s attention or its length. Whatever I felt compelled to say, I would put it out there, on paper for whoever was willing to soak it in. As an adult, restrictions and boundaries sort of governs us, but there are other factors that have contributed to this limited mindset. For example, I believe schooling has contributed to my mindset of “keep it in a box within these parameters”. In school we are taught: three to five sentences make a paragraph, the essay can’t be no longer 5 pages but not shorter than 2, or our prompt responses are to be between 200-300 words and must have two citations that date only within the last 5 years. There are certain rules and expectations about when to make post on a blog, podcast. Even as a case manager, having to follow guidelines of what constitutes as an effective case note can be doctoring and tedious. This is to not say that rules and limitations are bad, they certainly serve their purpose to regulate, provide structure and in times protect. So, as I am being wooed back into the art of creative expression, my first hobby and passion or writing, I am also learning how to break free from the walls placed around me. I must say, it is quite liberating as I feel the pressure of having to appease the societal structure of writing and creative expression be lifted from me.

I also find it quite contradictory, an internal conflict, that the very thing I have prayed for, is one: not new but more of a boomerang affect and two: challenging for me to accept and proceed forward in. Many times, in my journals and in my heart, I have cried for God to restore to me that creative spark I once had all those years before. Those years when I was inspired by His word to create and capture the beauty of His love, goodness and truth. I would be inspired by His power to change seasons and create seasonal wreaths. I would be moved by His movement and draw, paint. I would be captured by His voice and write poems of His glory in my story. Such a light and spark that has been dimmed by heartache, bills, hopelessness, rejection and feelings of insecurity and inadequacies. But not anymore.

I have recently been enlightened by the power of my creative expression through writing. I am empowered by the gift that it is and how through creativity and authorship, this is a direct spiritual DNA trait passed down to me by God, Creator and Author. There are no limits to my writing except for those that I have placed on myself. Well now it is time to break free. And if it is too much for someone to read, then that’s okay, they can pause for now and keep on later. For others, it may be not enough so they will stick around for more. But I know for myself, it was everything I had at that moment to give.