God is Always With You
During a time, which I know we all are familiar with, when I couldn’t feel the presence of God in my life, He manifested Himself in beyond tangible ways for me to assure His constant presence. I learned during this season, that though I may not feel Him (where I am not hooping and hollering), I am still capable of seeing His presence. Though I did not pray for a sign, I am grateful for the discernment of still being able to hear and recognize His hands in my life. A book I read recently simply titled, “Jesus” by Max Lucado is basically a compilation of excerpts from his previous books that provides insight into who Jesus is, albeit as Creator, Immanuel, Friend…etc. In the chapter of “Immanuel” Lucado discussed why we as people will put up with the struggles of flying and road tripping to see people and it is as simple as “We love to be with the ones we love.” He then translated this over into God and how He sent Jesus to be amongst us because He too loves to be with the ones He love, us. He placed emphasis on the word “with” and even I found myself allowing that word to marinate within me and what it means for my daily walk with Jesus. God didn’t want nothing to separate us from Him:
“Immanuel”. The name appears in the same Hebrew form as it did two thousand years ago. “Immanu” means “with us”. “El” refers to Elohim, or God. Not an “above us God” or a “somewhere in the neighborhood God”. He came as the “with us God.” God with us. Not “God with the rich” or “God with the religious.” But God with us. All of us. Russians, Germans, Buddhists, Mormons, truckdrivers and taxi drivers, librarians, God with us.
God with us. Don’t we love the word “with”? ‘Will you go with me?’ we ask. ‘To the store, to the hospital, through my life?’ God says He will. “I am with you always,” Jesus said before he ascended into heaven, “to the very end of the age”. Search for restrictions on the promise; you’ll find none. You won’t find “I’ll be with you if you behave…when you believe. I’ll be with you on Sundays in worship… at mass.” No, none of that. There’s no withholding tax on God’s “with” promise. He is with us. God is with us. “ (“Jesus”, Max Lucado, Page 24)
A day later, after reading this chapter, I woke up to an email from JCLU Forever with the subject line: “God is Always With You!” In that email there were:
“Prayer trumps panic. Every. Time.”
“The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” Proverbs 29:25
“When you think that there is no hope left, God reaches down and says, ‘Take my hand and let me lead the way. Be still and know that we can do this together.’
“You are Never Alone.”
“When we feel hopeless and alone, know that God is always there!”
“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalms 46:10
“But He said to me, “Me grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” II Cor. 12:9
I thought to myself, “Aww that’s really nice! Amen!”
But it wasn’t until that night when I came across this quote that it finally resonated within me what God was trying to let me know. This quote was in the backroom of my house and I was back fooling around with something else and I stumbled across this excerpt from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young in a frame (Fantastic devotional if you haven’t read it btw):
“I Am with You: Watching over you constantly. I Am Immanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me.”
It was in that instant I heard our beautiful and love Savior speak to me: “I know you are being tested and I know you do not feel My Spirit within you but you are my daughter and you must be tested. You are mine. Keep strong. Keep being brave. Keep worshipping me and I will stir within you again. I am still with you. I am right beside you. Always. I am still here beside you. This testing is for a short time, but it is needed for what it is to come. I promise you, it will be worth the wait. I am worth the wait.”
I had to share with you all, this beautiful experience and encourage you to do the same! Our God knows we can’t feel His Spirit all the time and I am sure, like me, sometimes we almost believe that since we can’t feel Him then He can’t feel us or He is not near, but that is not true. He is still with us. He promised to be and so He is, this is ongoing. And the one thing I love the most about this is that I didn’t even pray for a sign, He just heard my heart and answered because I am His daughter. He heard it and chose to bring signs because I am His. Makes me wonder how many times He has done this yet has gone unnoticed by me. I am sure He has done this with you all too and He will continue to do this. You are all wonderful and beautiful and our Father wants you to know you are not alone, He is with you…Immanuel, God with us.
Be strong! Be brave! Remain Encouraged!