
Our atonement is a tricky concept. As humans, conditioned to be on a reward system and schooled on negative and positive reinforcement, it is no wonder we have a hard time grasping meritless concepts such as forgiveness and grace. We may say we believe that we are forgiven but we still proceed forward from a place of hurt, guilt, and sometimes, anger. It is a great wonder and relief that we are not the chosen ones, held responsible for the atonement and cleansing of others. Even Aaron refused to proceed with an offering as his heart was in a place of grief. Heart posture is key when being atoned.

Luke 8:43-48 tells the story of the woman who bled 12 years and her being healed, but the story of her atonement runs deep. We usually marvel at Jesus healing her just by her simply touching his cloak. He felt power leave him by her touch. Her immense faith touched him so much that hers stood out amongst all the hundreds that were seeking healing at that same moment. But what about her atonement? Leviticus 15 tells us that any man or woman with discharge or unexplainable bleeding was unclean, therefore unholy and not eligible for the purification process. Therefore, for twelve years, beyond her control, she lived in exile and torment. Instructed by priests and a holy covenant to not be touched due to her defilement and although not meant to bring shame, I am sure this feeling was inevitable.

She not only had to face fear of physical concern of health, but also her spiritual wellbeing. This health matter served as a barrier from her being able to being made right with the Lord, much less be in His presence. Not only did she have to live with the fear of uncertainty of her physical health, but she also had to deal with the conundrum of what does this mean for her religious beliefs and fate of her soul. Being clean and pure during these times was pretty much a non-negotiable (as it should be) but it also influenced other areas of one’s life such as family, friends, access to holy places and events, and ability to worship. This was not just a physical setback but a holy one as well. Then came Jesus.

Touching Jesus was not only her means of physical healing, but also spiritual restoration. She was able to be restored to God through her cleansing and purification and to society. We do not know how old or young this woman was, but 12 years of isolation had to certainly put a damper on many blessings she could have experienced for her time such as being able to return to temple to worship, renewing her faith and hope of being made holy, being married, fellowshipping with other women, and having kids. Touching Jesus opened the door for these to being a hope and a future for her.

Leviticus 15 tells us that anyone who touches someone or something uncleaned, this is then transferred unto them making them unclean, but this was ruled null and void through Jesus. Pure and sin-free, He was undefiled by the touch and influence of those unclean (physically and spiritually). He came so that by reaching out to touch Him, we are healed, cleaned and purified; to be made holy and restored to God. We are able to transfer our sin and unclean nature unto Him because He is the only one holy enough to withstand it. As Son of God, He is holy; as human, able to serve as sacrifice for our sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). Now we have access to the Father through the Son. Our holiness and purification are no longer contingent on our ability to perform ritualistic practices that are hindered by our physical limitations. We can now just reach out and touch Jesus and allow Him to forgive, clean and restore us.

Are you feeling unworthy? Unclean? Guilt-ridden? Reach out and touch Jesus who is pure and holy. There is no transfer of sin, as seen with sacrifices and offerings before, but rather an exchange. He requests our burdensome yokes so that we may take His that is light. He is not only healer, but Savior and the only one qualified to not be tainted by sin. He can handle anything you are going through. He will not pull away from your touch. He will lean into you as you reach out to Him and I assure you, He is never out of reach.



We thank you Father for giving us your Son, Jesus. We thank you for sending him down to be with us and live amongst us. We thank you for the atonement you have granted us through your Son so that we do not have to continue to live in turmoil and anguish and despair. Thank you for giving us someone who does not pull away from our sin in judgement and fear, but requests it and leans into us, to grant us healing, love, and restoration. We thank you for day after day opportunities, moment after moment chances to be made holy and made right with you through your Son Jesus, The Messiah who has promised to be with us daily. We thank you and give you honor, glory and praise for being an unfathomable God, filled with unfathomable ways. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.