Name of Jesus
I wanted to take this time bring up to you a personal lesson God has been teaching me over the last few months, the name of Jesus. For those of you who may not know, the name "Jesus" was a common name in biblical times. It is the Greek form for "Yeshua/ Yehoshua/ Joshua". There were thousands of people name "Jesus" before Him and after Him, so the fact God chose to name His son something common, goes to show just how serious He took "Word become flesh". Everything from His name to even His career (carpenter) were very common. Therefore, it is not a big surprise as to how His name has morphed into being a figure of speech, “For Christ Sake!” “Jesus Christ!” As the world strays further from God, of course that would mean that Satan's goal would be to remove the power from His name from those who speak it and what better way than to reduce the high influence of something than to abuse it? It is along the lines of a man telling you he loves you after he had said it a hundred times to the thirty women before you. For someone who is serious about a relationship, you will inquire to yourself, "Self! He has said this a hundred times to a hundred different women so what is really setting you apart from them other ones?" This is what the world, myself included, have fallen guilty of, abusing the name of Jesus.
I remember one time, a few months ago, I said something along the lines of "Jesus!!!" but in an everyday conversation and funny enough, I heard Him say, "Yes?" And then I answered, "OH nothing.... I was......just......talking." Instant conviction! I thought to myself, "How dare I call out His name in vain?!" Though the name so common, my relationship with this Jesus is not and has taught me that His name, of this person, is precious and powerful! (and then I would wonder why at certain times when I called His name, I wouldn't hear Him... it very well could be a strong lesson in the consequences of "crying wolf".)
This revelation came to me as I was reading through the book of Luke. My goal in reading Luke was to grow personal and intimate with our Savior and truly know the man whom is Jesus and the significance of His name was my first lesson. As I continued to study through Luke, the power of His Name became jaw-dropping. Yeah it was/is always said "In the name of Jesus..." but as a Christian in this world, it falls from our lips so naturally that half the time, we don't even take in what that truly means. Don't even think twice, like saying the alphabet. The apostles cast out demons using His name but what caught my attention were the demons, themselves. Jesus didn't have to address Himself, no dramatic "WHO AM I?!" booming from His chest. The demons already knew who He was, and they would call Him by name! Jesus's own disciples still questioned His identity, but those demons, they already knew. And then they had to ask permission to be cast into something else. The demons were under His authority so when His name was used PROPERLY, no matter who said HIS name, based on the relationship between that individual and the man whom is Jesus, Son of God, demons were cast, and the sick were healed. Those demons called Him by His common name, but they fled, not because of His name alone, but because of the person behind that name and His relationship with whom He received His power, God. They knew the Man and the Identity of this one Jesus...Son of God. We could have relationship with a "Jesus" in this world, but the authority comes in your relationship with Jesus, whom is the Son of God. After reading this, I made a vow to reduce (to the point of alleviation) the crying out my Savior's name just for the sake of it or for emphasis. Jesus's name is full of power and must be carried and spoken tenderly and with caution. It is to be cherished because there is power behind His name. The demons and evil spirits around us do not play fair, so if they hear us misusing His name, when we actually cry it out, I imagine them laughing causing them to cut deeper, possibly resulting in us taking that L.
I realized that I didn't want to be a Christian that when the demons hear me cry out for my Savior they laugh because I abused it so many times before. I didn't want to abuse the name of the One who cast out demons and calmed the storms. If Jesus's name is that of a weapon against evil spirits, like any weapon, it is not to be used all willy-nilly but rather with care. I want to be someone who when I speak His name, jewels and diamonds fall from my lips, life is pouring from my mouth, power exhumes from my spirit. Lives are changed, lies are destroyed, wounds are healed, and hope is restored because of the name of Jesus. The name I have chosen to make precious to my life because it has saved me and just like everything and everyone else in my life who I hold to be cherished, not to be abused. I hold my growing relationship with Jesus as dear and a treasure in my heart so I will call His name boldly and with meaning. It has even gotten to the point that when I hear someone cry out His name in vain, my soul shutters and my heart breaks because His name is so precious. Therefore, I challenge you to do the same: if you know you call His name in vain, pray for forgiveness and move forward keeping His name cherished. Hold His name dear to your heart. I have a whole theory on how Satan uses signs and names that are meant to be cherished as according to scripture yet he has twisted them so they would be powerless and without meaning to the one who is seeking. Therefore, let us reclaim the power and sweetness in the name of Jesus! Yeshua! Ya'll know there is power in our words, let us not forget, it is how God created the universe .
I cried out to this Jesus in full acknowledgement of my relationship with Him, and I received healing. Tangible healing. I have cast away evil spirits that I knew were around me in the name of Jesus and they have fled! There is power in His name. Let us reduce saying it in vain so we can declare it in FULL POWER!
Stay Humbled. Remain Encouraged.